Our Responsibilities for the Tribes

Tribes provide an important socio-cultural dimension to Indian Society.

Since times immortal, they have been responsible custodians of natural resources, indigenous knowledge and deep routed cultural traditions. Tribal expressive traditions offer significant contributions towards our understanding of them. Their artworks of various kinds have considerable depth and meaning inscribed over it in myriad ways. Since ages, tribal communities have been seen as a repository of ingenious skills in terms of a variety of expressive traditions such as making of handicrafts, exquisite music sense and dance forms, weaving and paintings, bamboo products, eatables and medicines, jewelery designs, etc. Over the time, with the increasing influence of outside forces and globalization, tribes have been exposed to multiple agencies and direction. It has resulted in both hope and despair for most of the tribal communities. It is argued in the best interests of such communities to be in greater cognizance of aesthetic products belonging to their culture. Direct interface with the markets, clients or associations for their product marketing and further transactions should be promoted in order to avoid their exploitation through unscrupulous agents or middleman taking undue benefits/credits out of them.