Monoliths of Nagaland

The Mysterious Monoliths of Nagaland

Among the Nagas there is plenty of animism, particularly regards to stones. Similar beliefs are found among all Naga tribes. Nagas as stone people and worshipper of stones find ample mention in folklores so much so that Nagas are believed to be born out of stones.

Monoliths represent the Naga practice of pulling a huge stone to the village. It is seen as an object of veneration. Hutton makes a mention of monoliths that dotted all over the village and its outskirts, some of them considerable, some so massively big that it made the observers wonder on the labour which must have been necessary to haul the huge stones up to the village and erect them where they stand.

Monoliths are erected to commemorate personal achievements and to perpetuate the memory of the dead therefore an important ceremony. Even to this day one will find monoliths scattered across the towns and villages of Nagaland. A lot importance is attached to big stones and there is a belief that these stones are alive and move by themselves.