Languages of Mizoram

Mizoram dialects

The Mizo language belongs to the Assam- Burtan branch of the Tibeto-Burmese family of language.The following few words are given below to illustrate that Mizo and the Burmese languages are of the same family

The Mizo sub- tribes could be termed as a diverse group since each of them had its own dialect. After crossing the river Tiau, they found a place for permanent residence where the dialect of the largest ruling family is the Lusei (or Lushai) called Duhlian served as the 1 i nqun franca of the pe ople and it came to be known as M i z o t a wrni (i.e. Hizo language). In the e i g h t e e n t h and n i n e t e e n t h centuries, this dialect had absorbed almost all othej dialects. A few s u b – t r i b e s who are c o n f i n e d to a part ;ru at area and are majority in that area, however, still u:< their own dialect. But all of them can speak and undn s l m i ‘ the Duhlian dialect.

Mizo and Hmar of the Tibeto Burman group are the major languages spoken in Mizoram.