Language has long been seen as one of the most important factor in the development of human being, whether it is used for self expression, communication of feelings and emotions or thought, which is the process of converting pieces of information into meaningful concepts.

For years, the tribal communities of Arunachal Pradesh are living in varied degree of isolation. However, their interaction with the non tribal groups during the recent past has brought face to face development and modernization to the threshold of changes both in the economic and socio-cultural domains. A major impact of these developments is seen in the dialectical changes which is overtaking a vast section of these communities A major concern of this research is therefore, to identify the geographic patterning of the original languages of different tribal groups in Arunachal Pradesh and the change in their tribal identity.

Currently, English is the official language of Arunachal Pradesh and is used in administration. Since the tribal languages of the state are normally used in spoken mode, none of them is used in print media. So, English continues to be the language of print media. Hindi and English are taught as subject in the curriculum.

Linguistic Morphology of Arunachal Pradesh

Language is subject to change like every other social phenomenon. But it never takes place abruptly or by way of an explosion, rather it is a systematic and gradual process. History provides many examples, both in India as well as abroad to show that backward languages have been absorbed by abd assimilated into the more developed languages on the contrary, there is evidence which shows that languages have great stability and a tremendous power of resistance to forcible assimilation. This fact is illustrated by tribal languages of India which have preserved their separate existence for millennia altogether.

Since Arunachal Pradesh population is linguistically heterogeneous, communication across different speech communities is possible only if the members of different speech communities acquire practical command in other language / dialects besides their own mother tongue. No single speech communities of the state command a majority of the total population though individual language / dialect is dominant in a particular region.